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  • Writer's picturePres. & Sis. Tew

One for china

Guoxin is a doctor from China who came to Norway for a work exchange for 6 months. He never had any religion, but after studying a lot about the body, knew there had to be more than just science. One cold December day in Stavanger while he was out walking by the library, he was contacted next to our "lys for verden" street stand and given a Book of Mormon. Three days later he walked 40 minutes to church and met with us for the first time! Guoxin is very intelligent, humble and moved upon by the Spirit, which inspires him to do new things and to learn new principles. He gave up coffee and tea and soon began reading seven pages from the Book of Mormon every morning, along with preparing for church by reading the corresponding chapters and talks. Upon returning home, he plans to prioritize his family and spend more time with them, including doing his ancestor's work in the temple. He recognizes that coming to Norway was a big step in God's plan for him, allowing him to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. Guoxin's faith and willingness to follow the Lord's example has inspired everyone who has come to know him. Today when he bore his testimony to the ward, he spoke of God's plan for each of us and how the guidance of the Holy Ghost can help us in all of our lives. He also shared that during his baptism, he heard the voice of the Spirit speak to him, "Do the right things. Do the good things." Those two sentences greatly summarize the man we have come to know. He is willing to do the right things by following the commandments of Jesus Christ and constantly seeking after opportunities to help others. We are confident that he will be a wonderful asset to the church in China, bringing many who are waiting to the light of the gospel.

Søster Pond and Søster Tew

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